3. Merchant Integration Flow: Card Tokenisation and Tokenised Payments

3.3.1 Tokenisation: Step 8 (optional) – GetProfiles to Request Customer Card Token for a Merchant Payload to Request Card Tokens

Table 13. Get Profiles Request Card Token
# Field
Type Length Description
1. Merchantid M String Unique identifier issued to the merchant by the payment gateway
2. MerchantTokenReference O String If the field is passed, the response will filter the results based on this unique value.
If this field is not passed, all tokens for the given merchantcustomerreference below, will be returned.
Not a unique field and a combination of MerchantTokenReference and Merchant CustomerReference determine a customer's token profile
3. MerchantCustomerReference M String 36 A unique value representing the merchant's customer undertaking this tokenisation profile retrieval
(.referred to as CustomerIdentifier in the transaction object)
4. IncludeDeleted M Bool Boolean value indicating whether a deleted token should be included in the response.

Figure 12. Example Request Payload Call endpoint to request tokens

Table 14. GetProfiles End–Points
Recurring Payments: End-Points
PROD^ https://psp.vodacompaymentgateway.co.za/api/recurring/getprofiles
UAT^ https://uat.vodacompaymentgateway.co.za/api/recurring/getprofiles
QA^ https://qa.vodacompaymentgateway.co.za/api/recurring/getprofiles Response from token request

Table 15. GetProfile Token Request Response
# Field
Type Length Description
1. merchantid M String Unique identifier issues to the merchant by payment gateway
2. MerchantTokenReference M String The merchanttokenreference provided by the merchant as part of the phase 1 tokenization request.
If this field was not passed it will be set to merchantcustomerreference below.
3. MerchantCustomerReference M String 36 A unique value representing the merchant's customer undertaking this tokenisation
(.referred to as CustomerIdentifier in the transaction object)
4. MerchantTokenId M String 36 The id of the token given to the merchant during tokenisation
5. TokenStatusId M Numeric
ID Status
1 Pending: when we first create record in the Customer Profile and are waiting for the response from ABSA (for internal use only)
2 Token Success: once the tokenisation response has been received from Absa and it was successful
3 Token Failed: once the tokenisation response has been received from Absa and it was not successful
6. ReturnUrl O String <= 500 This is the redirect end–point to which the payment gateway responded synchronously, after the payment was completed successfully (either Auth. or Auth. & Settle).
7. FailureUrl O String <= 500 This is the redirect end–point to which the payment gateway responded synchronously, after the payment was been completed unsuccessfully (either Auth. or Auth. & Settle).
8. NotifyUrl O String <= 500 This is the end–point to which the asynchronous tokenisation response, was posted back to the merchant's server, once the bank had responded with the token creation (success or failure).
This was an asynchronous post–back to the merchant.
see Tokenisation Reponse Field Definitions for further details.
9. Active M Bool Boolean value indicating whether the token has been deleted, or not.
10. Pan M String It is a masked card number of the card used to make the profile
11. AuthTransactionId O String [Internal Use]
12. DateCreated O String Date–Time stamp when profile was created
13. IsDeleted O Boolean Boolean value indicating whether the token is Deleted or not.
True indicating Deleted.
14 DateDeleted O String Date–Time stamp when profile was deleted, if IsDeleted is True.
15. BankResponseMessage O String Bank response for the last tokenised payment for this profile

Figure 13. Example list response from getProfiles endpoint

